New AI Crypto – Antix Token Sale Review

AI is booming and now many cryptocurrencies are launching positioning themselves as the next big coin thanks to their Artificial Intelligence use or integrations, let’s review Antix and why do they need to raise millions of dollars for their AI crypto?

Antix AI referral link –
Trade crypto with leverage –

⏰ Timestamps ⏰
00:00 A new AI project just came across my desk
00:30 Market sentiment is low, yet prices are climbing!
01:36 Antix a 3D AI crypto token
02:25 Antix Team
03:19 Antix token sale
04:28 Antix has red flags?
06:17 Antix smart contract, Quick Intel scan
07:15 Antix token address?
07:35 Antix collaboration with big names?
08:10 Antix Certik KYC
09:12 How to buy Antix
10:08 Antix White paper

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