Worth the RISK for this Crypto Miner?
Today, we will review AE Box Pro sent over from GoldShell. This small ASIC box Miner packs a punch for its size but I am concerned for the over all "break even" for this unit. They claim 100 day ROI on this ALEO Crypto Miner… I am not sure this will be the case. Do you think this AE BOX PRO will be worth the risk?
0:00 Worth the RISK for this Crypto Miner? 🤔
1:02 AE BOX PRO Over View / Specs 📦
2:53 Setting up and turning on the AE BOX PRO
6:00 The AE BOX PRO wouldn’t mine at first…
6:50 Setting up and Testing the AE BOX PRO at DXPool
8:46 The AE BOX PRO Has been Mining for 20 hours at this point.
10:15 The Good The BAD & The UGLY…
19:54 What are your thoughts on this AE BOX PRO?
#crypto #bitcoin #cryptocurrency
🚨 This is NOT financial or professional DIY advice. I am NOT a financial advisor or licensed builder; I am a Master Plumber by trade. Mining equipment & Solar equipment is expensive and can be risky. Building large structures on your own can be Dangerous! Cryptocurrency is Extremely volatile and the prices change daily. Please do your own research before investing and/or building/installing anything!! You CAN Lose all of your money and/or fingers! 😅