Buy These Miners NOW!

I am building my own mining farm, mining Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies like Dogecoin, as well as mining low power consumption projects which is DePin mining, these are the miners I am buying and the most profitable mining rigs NOW! I just got another BMM-101 in, buy one before they’re sold out!

Learn more about BitDCA –
Buy ASIC miners here –
Easily the coolest Bitcoin miner –
use code VOSKCOIN to save some coin!
Check out Luxor and Hashrate Index here! –
BEST ROI? Geodnet miners, buy one here –
Buy the Wingsbit GEOD miner here –
BEST Bitaxes to buy and where to order from!
Compare Mining Profitability with MiningNow –
Tiny Chip Hub sells the Bitaxe SupraHEX!
Best bang for buck bitcoin miner Bitdeer sealminer a2 –
L9 –
Best Dogecoin home miner –
Buy the DOGE miners from Volcminer –
I am the most excited for my incoming L9! buy one!

How hard is it to mine a Bitcoin block, use SoloLuck!

⏰ Timestamps ⏰
00:00 What miners should you be buying?
01:03 mining is the best way to earn passive income
02:15 Solo mining has never been this easy!
03:48 What is a ASIC miner?
04:06 Mining now ASIC profitability calculator
05:12 Doge mining has been a great
06:00 Buying another L9
06:21 Depin mining making a comeback using Geodnet
08:29 Mining Bitcoin using Luxor
09:39 Using SoloLuck to calculate my chance of hitting a block!
11:52 Saving Bitcoin while spending money!
14:07 What not to buy?
16:10 Will you get rekt or rich?
17:13 What miners am I buying?
18:25 Interesting new Bitcoin miners
20:00 Interesting Dogecoin miners
20:35 Intersting Mini Solo miners
21:33 Carefully Expanding DePin mining
22:33 Don’t eat yellow snow, Tails!

VoskCoin Socials –

VoskCoin is for entertainment purposes only and is never intended to be financial investment advice. VoskCoin owns or has owned cryptocurrency and associated hardware. VoskCoin may receive donations or sponsorships in association with certain content creation. VoskCoin may receive compensation when affiliate/referral links are used. VoskCoin is home of the Doge Dad, VoskCoin is not your Dad, and thus VoskCoin is never liable for any decisions you make.
#Cryptocurrency #Bitcoin #VoskCoin #CryptoMining #stocks #trading #investing #mining #btc #bitcoinminer #bitcoinmining #dogecoin #geodnet

  • bitcoinBitcoin (BTC) $ 91,432.00
  • dogecoinDogecoin (DOGE) $ 0.208217
  • litecoinLitecoin (LTC) $ 106.78
  • shiba-inuShiba Inu (SHIB) $ 0.000013
  • pepePepe (PEPE) $ 0.000007
  • bellscoinBellscoin (BELLS) $ 0.185474