This WAS a Good Idea… Until It Wasn’t.

So… Today is the day we start getting these Crypto Mining GPUs back together so we can resell them! I personally thought this was a great Idea with my electric rate but in hind sight it may not have been the best idea. Regardless its content for you guys so lets fix my GPUs… I just hope those FKN missing shrouds show up! F.

0:00 This WAS a Good Idea… Until It Wasn’t.😲
3:29 SO many Crypto Mining GPUS… 🥱
5:45 What would you do with these GPUs here? 🤔
7:35 Most of these GPUs wont be too bad to complete to be honest 👨‍🏭
8:22 I would love your thoughts on these GPUs and the Mother Boards also! 💰

#crypto #bitcoin #diy

🚨 This is NOT financial or professional DIY advice. I am NOT a financial advisor or licensed builder; I am a Master Plumber by trade. Mining equipment & Solar equipment is expensive and can be risky. Building large structures on your own can be Dangerous! Cryptocurrency is Extremely volatile and the prices change daily. Please do your own research before investing and/or building/installing anything!! You CAN Lose all of your money and/or fingers! 😅